The True Prophecy given by the Lord Jesus Christ to
Apostle Pastor Lorraine Isbister on 8th April 1986 has
proven True:
As I lifted you, as you
praised Me,
I have taken your praises and I have placed them into an
that I will pour upon the earth
with great fire and great power,
and you and your husband will stand as separate streams
of Me,
which will become larger streams,
which will become rivers, and will touch oceans
and will touch nations.
But, know this one thing,
with the hatred with which they hated Me,
they will hate you also,
says the Lord of Hosts.
‘Hosanna’ Excelsis was pioneered by Almighty God upon a
Heavenly Vision and Prophecy given by a True Prophet to
Apostle Pastor Lorraine from the Throne Room of Almighty
God, with a Holy Remnant Few of God’s Own Gracious
"You shall go forth with joy,
and be led forth with praise,
and the mountains and the hills will break forth before
and you will lead the called and chosen, praising people
of Mine
into the Glory and Fullness of Me,
saith the Lord.
In 1998 a new Constitution was written by the Holy Spirit - that the Holy Spirit alone is our Guide in all things, and that we do nothing outside or contrary to the Holy Ordinance Word of God, as written
in the Holy Scriptures.
This Prophetic Word had Apostle Pastor Lorraine to surrender her all in obedience to fulfill the Divine Call and Vision of God that He has Commissioned her to perform, under the Direction of His Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus Christ, and her heart’s desire is for all to come to the Knowledge and Acceptance of Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, Lord and Soon Coming King.
Apostle Pastor Lorraine was Miraculously Healed of terminal cancer in 1971 and, by the religious orders of carnal flesh, has been slandered, rumoured, lied against, rejected, renounced, persecuted,
brought to false trials, and hated without cause as was Christ, but she has rejoiced in all
persecutions, knowing she is kept by the Power and Presence of Almighty God, Who has always
caused her to Triumph and Prosper in the Victory of Jesus Christ, to Whom belongs all Glory,
Honour, Power and Dominion.
Christ Jesus is The Chief Corner Stone and The Anointed, Crowned, Triumphant Head of His One Holy, True Body Universal, which ‘Hosanna’ Excelsis is part with, and is set upon the One Perfection
Stone of Christ set in Zion, according to Ephesians 2:19-22, of which the Apostle/Prophet Ministry
Foundational Stones are part, and God bears His Witness with the Evidence of Christ’s Miracle
Power Works and Christ’s Spiritual Wisdom Words that open up the Kingdom of Heaven to men, and
the gates of Hell shall never overcome it.
Over 1,500 Spiritual Songs - The New Song of the Lord that must only be sung unto Almighty
God in His Spirit and in His Truth - have been given by the Holy Spirit from the Throne Room of God, for all True Worshippers who desire to Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. ‘Hosanna’ Spirit and Truth Music CDs have been produced, and also DVDs of Teaching and
Preaching of His Holy Spirit of His Holy, Living Truth.
Testimony Books have been written, compiled from those who have written their Testimonies with Great Joy, giving God all the Glory in the Name of Jesus Christ for all the Miracles, Healings, Deliverances and Raising of the dead in the midst of congregations - all by the Power of the Holy Spirit through ‘one’ attested by Almighty God, Who continues to do Wondrous Things in our midst. (Read these in our ‘Testimonies’ section).
“The Signs of a True Apostle were performed among you with all perseverance,
by Signs and Wonders and Miracles.” (2 Corinthians 12:12)
Many Teaching Books have been written by the Holy Spirit, as He has Commissioned Apostle Pastor
Lorraine to write the ‘Mysteries of God’s Wisdom’ revealed from His Throne Room, under God’s
Anointed Banner of ‘Hosanna’ Morning Star Publications, for all those who hunger and thirst after
His Holy, Living Truth shall be filled, as they partake of the Bread of Life through The Revelation
Word of God’s Holy Truth.
God confounds the ‘wisdom’ of the wise who are wise in their own understanding, their own counsel
and their own will - as He uses an earthen vessel of the gender of a woman to flow forth His Holy
Revelation Word - ‘one’ who comes attested with God’s Power of His Miracles, that no person
could do unless God be with them and in them, which always inevitably attracts hostility from all
impostors posing as ‘Christians’ as did Christ Jesus, according to Christ’s True Prophecy - and
this is the only unforgivable sin - to call the earthen vessel through whom Christ Ministers His Miraculous Power Works ‘unclean’ - for this Blasphemy of His Holy Spirit is not forgiven, in this age
or the age to come.
We rejoice that Almighty God is directing many to come unto Him, under the Banner of The Messiah’s Righteousness and Truth in ‘Hosanna’ Excelsis, as the Holy Spirit Convicts and Confirms
Christ’s True Seed to receive the Living Water of His Revelation Truth, having been granted by God to be Unified as One same Spirit of Christ Jesus, and having been given once and for all, the same like Precious Faith as the Lord - and our prayers are ever before the Throne Room of God’s Grace that He will Protect, Provide and Establish them in the Holiness of His Calling for each one in a permanent state of Blessedness.
There are no denominations in Jesus Christ! Is Christ divided?
All who are ONE with Jesus Christ - whether Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female - all are
Heirs of the Promises, bound together as One Anointed, Universal Body of Christ with all Holy, True Believers - for there is NO division amongst us who are God’s Holy Chosen Sons of His Glory, for we are the One Seed of Christ Inheritors in whom Christ lives.
We Saints of the Lord, who have been Chosen by God from the foundation of the earth, having our names written in The Lamb's Book of Life, are Equipped by the Unction of His Holy Spirit through
His True Apostle/Prophet Ministry to serve Him in the Work of the Ministry, Building Up His Body of Christ to a Mature Man - to the Fullness of Christ - and we go on in His Glory and Victory with His Sceptre of Righteousness and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, for The Triumphant Shout of our King - Christ Jesus - is ever heard in our midst.
We of the One Same Spirit of the Lord in whom Christ lives, Baptised by God into the One Universal Body of Christ, designated with the Holy Name given from Heaven - ‘Hosanna’ Excelsis - that declares to all the world what Almighty God has Ordained us to be - ‘Perfect Praise in the Highest’ - are continually receiving many prayer requests, and we joyfully pray over them all, and in turn are receiving back Wonderful Testimonies from all over the world of the Greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who leads us in His Triumph over all the works of the evil one. Amen.
“And the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’
And let the one who is thirsty Come;
Let the one who wishes take the Water of Life without cost.” (Revelation 22:17)
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All Rights Reserved